Electronic Music and Sound Design – Support

This page contains all of the supporting materials for the first volume of
“Electronic Music and Sound Design” by Alessandro Cipriani and Maurizio Giri.

NB. The support material for the other volumes are in other web pages: check the Introduction of each volume for the URL.

Virtual Sound Macros Library

Use these links to download the Virtual Sound Macros programming library. This library extends MaxMSP with hundreds of indispensable abstractions that are used widely in the practical chapters.

Max 8 Version
How to install:
1) Download the file “Virtual Sound Macros Max8” and unzip it: you will get a “Virtual Sound Macros” folder.
2) Reach the folder “{User Name}/Documents/Max 8/Packages” ({User Name} is your account name in your computer).
3) Put the “Virtual Sound Macros” folder inside the Packages folder
4) Restart Max

Max 7 Version
How to install:
1) Download the file “Virtual Sound Macros Max7” and unzip it: you will get a “Virtual Sound Macros” folder.
2) Reach the folder “{User Name}/Documents/Max 7/Packages” ({User Name} is your account name in your computer).
3) Put the “Virtual Sound Macros” folder inside the Packages folder
4) Restart Max

Max 6 Version
To install the library, refer to “- README (ENG) – Installation.pdf”, which can be found in the top-level folder of the download.

Support Materials
for the MaxMSP Practical Chapters

Use these links to download the material for the MaxMSP chapters. These downloads contain all of the patches shown in the book, as well as the audio files for the reverse engineering exercises and the patches for the activities found at the end of the chapters.

Support Materials for Volume 1 – Max 8

Support Materials for Volume 1 – Max 7

Support Materials for Volume 1 – Max 6

Listening and Analysis

Download the sounds to be used in the “Listening and Analysis” tests of the theory chapters.

Audio Examples Chapter 1T

Audio Examples Chapter 2T

Audio Examples Chapter 3T

Audio Examples Chapter 4T

Interactive Examples

These links refer to downloadable versions of the interactive examples used in the theory chapters.

Interactive examples – Mac OS X version for Volume 1

Interactive examples – Windows version for Volume 1

Please note that with the latest OS the Interactive Examples may not work, a new version is in preparation. In the meantime you can visualize the relative videos at these pages:

Interactive Examples Chapter 1 – Video

Interactive Examples Chapter 2 – Video

Interactive Examples Chapter 3 – Video

Interactive Examples Chapter 4 – Video


How to Install and Configure MaxMSP (HTML version)

Where are the answers to the book’s activities/exercises?

There are no answers, sorry.
The only purpose of the activities is to give the reader the opportunity to deal with a sound construction/design problem: the actual answer is not important at all, the only important thing is trying to solve the problem.
For this reason, giving the “solution” (wich is often not unique) would make the whole exercise useless. We believe that so firmly that we didn’t bother to save our “solution” somewhere when we create the activities, so they literally don’t exist. If you are stuck this could be a sign that there is something not completely assimilated in the chapter (maybe it’s worth to read it again).
Anyway, if you tried hard to complete the activity and didn’t succeed, our suggestion is: go on reading and practicing and after a while return to the unfinished activity; you will probably find it easier to complete than before.

MAX 8 Addendum

For owners of the third edition of the book download the MAX 8 addendum pdf

MAX 7 Addendum

For owners of the second edition of the book download the MAX 7 addendum pdf

MAX 6 Addendum

For owners of the first edition of the book downloadthe MAX 6 addendum pdf

Useful Links

Bibliography and Computer Music Links (from Computer Music Journal)